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Ubhaya = both
Padangushtaha = big toe

Ubhaya-Padangushthasana 190


Upavishtha = sit
Kona = angle

Upavishtha-Konasana 81


Urdhva = upwards, up, high
Danda = stick

Urdhva-Dandasana 146

Urdhva-Mukha-Pashchimottanasana I + II

Urdhva = upwards, up, high
Mukha = face, mouth
Urdhva-Mukha = face lifted up
Pashchima = west = backside of the body
Tan = strech out, widening, extend  

Urdhva-Mukha-Pashchimottanasana I 186

Urdhva-Mukha-Shvanasana – upward facing dog

Urdhva = upwards, up, high
Mukha = face, mouth
Urdhva-Mukha = face lifted up
Shvana = dog


Urdhva-Mukha-Shvanasana 134

Urdhva-Padmasana in Sarvangasana

Urdhva = upwards, up, high
Padma = Lotos
Sarvanga = whole body

Urdhva-Padmasana in Sarvangasana 169

Urdhva-Padmasana in Shirshasana

Urdhva = upwards, up, high
Padma = Lotos
Shirshasana = headstand

Urdhva-Padmasana in Shirshasana 195

Urdhva-Prasarita-Ekapadasana – standing split

Urdhva = upwards, up, high
Prasarita = outstreched, enlarged, extensive
Eka = one
Pada = foot, leg

Urdhva-Prasarita-Ekapadasana 339

Uttanasana – forward bend

Uttana = intensive strech 
Ut = a particle which means sensitivity and intensity
Tan = strech out, widening, extend

U. – Z.
Uttanasana 168


Uttana = intensive strech 
Padma = Lotos
Mayura = peacock

Uttana-Padma-Mayurasana 85

Utkatasana – Chair

Utkata = powerfull, wild, uneven
Ut = a particle which means sensitivity and intensity

Utkatasana 235


Utthita = outstreched, enlarged, extensive
Hasta = hand
Padangushtaha = big toe

Utthita-Hasta-Padangusthasana 256

Utthita-Parshvakonasana – extendet sideposition

Utthita = outstreched, enlarged, extensive
Parshva = side, flank
Kona = angle

Utthita-Parshvakonasana 167

Utthita-Trikonasana – streched trigangle

Utthita = outstreched, enlarged, extensive
Trikona = triangle
Tri = three
Kona = angle

Utthita-Trikonasana 206


Vinyasa Krama – Concept / Guideline for  an intelligent step by step stucture to build a Yogapractice

Kann auch den Aufbau eines Leitfadens für alltägliche Aufgaben bezeichnen. 

Can also means a setup for a structure in daily live purposes.

Vi = in a special way
Nyasa = to place something
Kr = to do
Krama = the step

Virabhadrasana I + II + III – The Warrior

Vira = Hero, Fighter, Warrior, Asserter

This position is dedicated to the big hero, which Shiva created of his curly hair. 

Once Daksha was celebrating a sacrificial, but he didn’t invite neither his daughter nor her husband Shiva, the highest of all gods. However Sati, Dakshas daughter went to the fest. But because she got insulted and humiliated, she was throwing herself into the fire and burned to death.

When Shiva heard about it, he felt challenged, riped off one of his curly hair and through it on the ground. A great hero, Virabhadra, raised and awaiting his orders. He was told to guide Shivas army to Dakshas sacrificial and disturb them. 

Viradhadra and his army emerged at the sacrifical as a tornado, destroying the fest, vanquished the other gods and priests and beheaded Daksha. 

Shiva, in grieve over the death of Sati abalienated and immersed in meditation. 

Sati was reborn as Umi in the house of Himalaya. Once more she found Shivas love and due to her effort she gained his heart.

This story comes from the poetry of Kumara Sambhava (Birth of God of War) of Kalidasa.

Virabhadrasana I 238
Virabhadrasana II 185
Virabhadrasana III 168


Vira = hero, fighter, protectionist

Virasana 157

Vitayanasana – horse

Vitayana = horse



Vriksha = tree

Vrikshasana 287


Warrier I + II + III– Virabhadrasana

This position is dedicated to the big hero, which Shiva created of his curly hair. 

Once Daksha was celebrating a sacrificial, but he didn’t invite neither his daughter nor her husband Shiva, the highest of all gods. However Sati, Dakshas daughter went to the fest. But because she got insulted and humiliated, she was throwing herself into the fire and burned to death.

When Shiva heard about it, he felt challenged, riped off one of his curly hair and through it on the ground. A great hero, Virabhadra, raised and awaiting his orders. He was told to guide Shivas army to Dakshas sacrificial and disturb them. 

Viradhadra and his army emerged at the sacrifical as a tornado, destroying the fest, vanquished the other gods and priests and beheaded Daksha. 

Shiva, in grieve over the death of Sati abalienated and immersed in meditation. 

Sati was reborn as Umi in the house of Himalaya. Once more she found Shivas love and due to her effort she gained his heart.

This story comes from the poetry of Kumara Sambhava (Birth of God of War) of Kalidasa.

Virabhadrasana I 238
Virabhadrasana II 185
Virabhadrasana III 168




Yug = yoke = joining things


Used to wake up the kudalini.

Yoga-Mudrasana 90


Sutra – String
The Yoga-Sutra is the red line for Yoga.