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Pada = foot, leg
Angushtha = big toe

Padangushthasana 168


Pada = foot, leg
Hasta = hand

Padahastasana 167


Padma = Lotos

Padmasana 156


Parigha = timber, bar (which is closing a gate)

Parighasana 109


Parinama = Change/Transformation

Paripurna-Navasana – Boat

Paripurna = complete, perfect, holistic
Nava = boat, ship, steamboat

Paripurna-Navasana 139


Parivritta = reverse, turned, reverse, upside down, backwards
Janu = knee
Shirsha = head


Parivritta-Janu-Shirshasana 84


 = reverse, turned, reverse, upside down, backwards
Parshva = side, flank
Kona = angle          

Parivritta-Parshvakonasana 170


 = reverse, turned, reverse, upside down, backwards
Pashchima = west = back side of the body
Tan = strech out, widening, extend          

Parivritta-Pashchimottanasana 92


Parivritta = reverse, turned, reverse, upside down, backwards
Eka = one
Pada = leg

Parivrittaikapada-Shirshasana 248

Parivritta-Trikonasana – turned trigangle

Parivritta = reverse, turned, reverse, upside down, backwards
Trikona = triangle
Tri = three
Kona = angle   


Parivritta-Trikonasana 206


Parshva = side, flank, sideward, torso
Danu = bow

Parshva-Dhanurasana 81


Parshva = Seite, Flanke, seitwärts, Rumpf
Eka = eins
Pada = Fuß, Bein
Sarvanga = gesamter Körper

Parshvaika-Pada-Sarvangasana 252


Parshva = side, flank, sideward, torso
Eka = one
Pada = foot, leg

Parshvaika-Pada-Shirshasana 281


Parshva = side, flank, sideward, torso
Hala = plow

Parshva-Halasana 94


Parshva = side, flank, sideward, torso
Sarvanga = whole body

Parshva-Sarvangasana 119


Parshva = side, flank, sideward, torso
Shirsha = head

Parshva-Shirshasana 278

Parshva-Urdhva-Padmasana in Shirshasana

Parshva = side, flank, sideward, torso
Urdhva = upward, upright, high, above
Padma = Lotos
Shirsha = head Shirshasana = headstand

Parshva-Urdhva-Padmasana in Shirshasana 195


Parshva = side, flank, sideward, torso
Uttana = intensive strech
Ut = a particle which means sensitivity and intensity
Tan = strech out, extend

Parshvottanasana 138


Pashchima = west = backside of the body
Tan = strech out, widening, extend    


Pashchimottanasana 81


Parvata = hill / mountain          

Parvatasana 186


Paryanka = bed, couch, sofa

Paryankasana 76

Plow – Halasana

Hala = plow

Halasana 108

Pindasana in Sarvangasana

Pinda = embryo
Sarvanga = whole body

Pindasana in Sarvangasana 134

Pindasana in Shirshasana

Pinda = embryo
Shirshasana = headstand

Pindasana in Shirshasana 132


Control of Prana, the knowledge of breath, extension and control of breath

Prana =  live itself or consciousness, breath, breathing, vitality, wind, energy, strength or soul as contrast to the body, part of the cosmic breath, „which is continuous everywhere“

Ayama = to strech, extend, expand, lengthen, length as well as restrech


Prasarita-Padottanasana I + II

Prasarita = outstreched, enlarged, extensive
Pada = foot, leg

Prasarita-Padottanasana I 132
Prasarita-Padottanasana II 131

Pratikriyasana  –  Ausgleichsposition

Prati = against
Kr = to do

Purusha oder Dashtr

Puru = city, commune
Purusha = the person who lives in the city



Purva = east
Tan = strech out, widening, extend  

Purvottanasana 124


2. child of Avidya
craving, holding on, / not able to let go 

chasing satisfaction
– searching for satisfaction, when not available
– wanting more than existing
– not able to let go what exist

Rooster – Kukkutasana

Kukkuta = cock / rooster

Kukkutasana 140

Salamba-Shirshasana I + II + III – Supported Headstand

Salamba = supported
Shirsha = head

Salamba-Shirshasana I 257
Salamba-Shirshasana II 290
Salamba-Shirshasana III 293

Salamba-Sarvangasana I – supported shoulderstand

Sa-= together, accompanied by
 = supported
Sarvanga = whole body

Salamba-Sarvangasana I 264
Salamba-Sarvangasana II 253

Setu-Bandha-Sarvangasana – bridge

Setu = bridge
Bandha = shackle, chain, position
Sarvanga = whole body

Setu-Bandha-Sarvangasana 249

Shalabhasana – Grasshopper

Shalabha = grasshopper

Shalabhasana 114


Shan = six
Mukha = mouth
Mudra = closing, to shut down, sealing
Shanmuka = name of the god with sex heads

Shanmukhi-Mudra 160


Shava or Mitra = corpse

„In this asana, a dead person is imitated. Once life is exhaled, the body remains motionless. If you lie motionless for some time and your thoughts remain still, although you are fully conscious, you learn to relax. This conscious relaxation strengthens and refreshes the body and mind.“

B.K.S Iyengar – Licht auf Yoga


Siddha = A half god creature, which is very pure and light and suppose to have supernatural power (siddhis). 

Siddhasana 148

Simhasana I + II

Simha = lion

Simhasana I 167
Simhasana II 147

Snake / Cobra – Bhujangasana I

Bhujanga = snake

Bhujangasana I 132
Bhujangasana II

Soldier I + II + III – Virabhadrasana

This position is dedicated to the big hero, which Shiva created of his curly hair. 

Once Daksha was celebrating a sacrificial, but he didn’t invite neither his daughter nor her husband Shiva, the highest of all gods. However Sati, Dakshas daughter went to the fest. But because she got insulted and humiliated, she was throwing herself into the fire and burned to death.

When Shiva heard about it, he felt challenged, riped off one of his curly hair and through it on the ground. A great hero, Virabhadra, raised and awaiting his orders. He was told to guide Shivas army to Dakshas sacrificial and disturb them. 

Viradhadra and his army emerged at the sacrifical as a tornado, destroying the fest, vanquished the other gods and priests and beheaded Daksha. 

Shiva, in grieve over the death of Sati abalienated and immersed in meditation. 

Sati was reborn as Umi in the house of Himalaya. Once more she found Shivas love and due to her effort she gained his heart.

This story comes from the poetry of Kumara Sambhava (Birth of God of War) of Kalidasa.

Virabhadrasana I 238
Virabhadrasana II 185
Virabhadrasana III 168

Standing Split – Urdhva-Prasarita-Ekapadasana

Urdhva = upwards, up, high
Prasarita = outstreched, enlarged, extensive
Eka = one
Pada = foot, leg

Urdhva-Prasarita-Ekapadasana 339

Sthira – consistency, attention, concentration

Sukha – the ability to keep a position without effort

„A mindset we feel as comfortable to be able to observer our selfs. (…) Being attentive and relaxed and therefore being able to see everything clear.“


Supta = lay down. lean back
Kona = angle

Supta-Konasana 95


Supta = lay down. lean back
Vajra = thunderbolt

Supta-Vajrasana 152


Supta = lay down. lean back
Vira = hero, fighter, protectionist

Supta-Virasana 70

Svadhyaya – self-awareness

sva = self
adhyaya = studies, examination


Tadasana – Mountain

Tada = mountain
Sama = straight, upright, motionless, still
Sthiti = stand still, constancy

Tadasana 256


tap = heating up or cleaning



Tola = two scale pan

Tolasana 139


Trianga = three limbs
Mukha = face, mouth
Eka = one
Plada = foot, leg
Pashchima = west = backside of the body
Uttana = intensive strech

Triang-Mukhaikapada-Pashchimottanasana 103

streched triangle – Utthita-Trikonasana

Utthita = streched, extended
Trikona = triangle
Tri = three
Kona = angle

Utthita-Trikonasana 206

Parivritta-Trikonasana – reverse triangle

Parivritta = reverse, turned, reverse, upside down, backwards
Trikona = triangle
Tri = three
Kona = angle

Parivritta-Trikonasana 206