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Fish – Matsyasana

Matsya = fish

Matsyasana 158

forward bendUttanasana  

Uttana = intensive strech 
Ut = a particle which means sensitivity and intensity
Tan = strech out, widening, extend

Uttanasana 168

Frog – Bhekasana

Bheka = frog

Bhekasana 122



Garbha = lap
Pinda = embryo

Garbha-Pindasana 130

Garudasana – Eagle

Garuda = Eagle

Garunda is also the name of the king of the birds. He is also introduced as the companion of Vishnu. He’s a white face and a watery blue beak, red wings and a golden body.

Garudasana 262

Gomukhasana – Cow

Go = cow
Mukha = face, mouth

Gomukha describes a human whos face looks like the face of a cow. It’s also names an instrument, which is narrow on one end and wide on the other – as the face of a cow.

Gomukhasana 155


Goraksha = cowherd

Gorakshasana 180


Shalabha = Grasshopper

Shalabhasana 114


Halfmoon – Ardha-Chandrasana

Ardha = half
Chandra = Moon

Ardha-Chandrasana 213

half boat – Ardha-Navasana

Ardha = half
Nava = Ship, Boat

Ardha-Navasana 117

Halasana – Plow

Hala = plow

Halasana 108

Headstand supported  – Salamba-Shirshasana I + II + III 

Salamba = supported
Shirsha = head

Salamba-Shirshasana I 257
Salamba-Shirshasana II 290
Salamba-Shirshasana III 293

Heron – Krounchasana

Krounch = Heron


Krounchasana 183


Ishvara-pranidhana Loving god

The quality of our actions.




Janu = knee
Shirsha = head

Janu-Shirshasana 81